In this Journal, I will attempt to strip away my protective veneer to view and communicate honestly what the truth is as I perceive it. My intent is to grow, for without an honest evaluation of the truth, how else can one fully absorb life's more difficult lessons and benefit by them. If I do this in secret, then I am still hiding behind a protective veneer, so it is being published online. If you find this Journal, you are welcome to read it and hopefully grow from it as well.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

A Special Gift

While greeting people each school day morning from about 7:35 to 8:35, this morning there was a heartwarming, unusual occurrence.

Some people give me gifts, as happened on Valentine's Day two days ago. But today, a Latino laborer in his old truck handed me something special to him.

It was a partial sleeve of Ritz Crackers. I realized he wanted to express his feelings for me, and not being a rich man, he shared with me what he could offer.

His kindness touched my heart, and I thanked him, for his kind gift is something special to me, and one that I will always remember.

With Love To All - Dick

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