In this Journal, I will attempt to strip away my protective veneer to view and communicate honestly what the truth is as I perceive it. My intent is to grow, for without an honest evaluation of the truth, how else can one fully absorb life's more difficult lessons and benefit by them. If I do this in secret, then I am still hiding behind a protective veneer, so it is being published online. If you find this Journal, you are welcome to read it and hopefully grow from it as well.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"It's Time To Get Up"

"It's time to get up," said 4 year old Carina in her little high pitched voice as she walked into Anne's and my bedroom with her big brother Cameron right behind her at 6:50 am Sunday morning (9/9/12). As they stood alongside the bed encouraging us to get up, we quickly put on our robes over our under garments and got going.

Cameron and Carina had had a good night's sleep and were now bursting with energy, ready to have breakfast and to watch the last half hour of "Real Steel," the movie we had been watching the prior night.
During the prior night, we had taken them to dinner, and they behaved so nicely and ate so well, that afterward we took them to Target and bought each of them a toy of their choosing. Cameron chose a Lego action figure and Carina chose a Play-Doh set.

We then rented Cameron's favorite movie, "Real Steel," and when we arrived home began watching it, as Cameron had yogurt for dessert and Carina had little pieces of vanilla ice cream dipped in chocolate, called Dibs, and chocolate milk. Meanwhile, Carina used her Play-Doh set to make a series of things including a green bracelet for me, which she carefully fitted on my wrist.

When their bedtime came, we stopped the movie, waited while they brushed their teeth and put on their pajamas and tucked them into bed. After adjusting the hall light as Carina liked it and assuring her that there was a cup of water in easy reach for her in the bathroom, they were ready to go to sleep.

The next morning, I joined Cameron as he raced into the backyard to swing on the swing set and to kick a green soccer sized ball. After breakfast, we watched the rest of "Real Steel" and then the animated film, "Despicable Me." Maria arrived afterward and after enjoying her company for a little while, it was time to say goodbye.

But after they left, I looked in the backyard and there on the lawn was the green soccer sized ball Cameron had been playing with. I was so touched by the simple sight of this ball, that I left the ball there until Mr. Kimura, our gardener, or a member of his crew picked it up and put it away two days later. What a joy it was to have these two beautiful little children with us.


1 comment:

The Kazans said...

It probably feels like a vacation for them when they go there. They love it there. Thank you.