In this Journal, I will attempt to strip away my protective veneer to view and communicate honestly what the truth is as I perceive it. My intent is to grow, for without an honest evaluation of the truth, how else can one fully absorb life's more difficult lessons and benefit by them. If I do this in secret, then I am still hiding behind a protective veneer, so it is being published online. If you find this Journal, you are welcome to read it and hopefully grow from it as well.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

An Ikaika Visit Today

This morning Anne's and my son Kyle came to our home with his son Ikaika, age 2, having just dropped off his older son Keoni, age 14, at basketball practice.

It was a wonderful surprise and Ikaika was excited about seeing us and shooting basketball on his child's set in our playroom. He also wanted Anne to read to him and chose a Dr. Seuss book.

Afterward, he and Kyle and I went into the backyard where Ikaika climbed into the clubhouse and slid down the slide and swung on the swing set in a continuos burst of energy.

He also kicked our four soccer sized balls and a beach ball sized ball around the yard.

Ikaika then decided he was hungry and ate peanuts and white cheddar crackers at our kitchen table.

When he got thirsty, he drank water from a plastic cup and when he needed to urinate, he told Kyle who took him into the bathroom, where he used the toilet.

Each time Ikaika uses the toilet he is rewarded with "dong - dongs," apparently Chinese for "candy," in the form of two M & M's. This is all part of the process of potty traing Ikaika, which is far along.

Ikaika is a happy, energetic child, on most occasions filled with enthusiasm. He is fun to play with and lights up anyplace he goes, not shy in engaging other children and adults.

As my grandson, I'm very pleased for the happy childhood he is having.

But it's not just Ikaika and our other grandchildren that bring me joy. I have love for all of humanity, for we are all connected and sharing a journey of life together.

Often, I engage children and their parents in restaurants, stores and other public places and I tell the parents how beautiful their children are.

For that is what I feel as I'm uplifted by each child's presence and all the joy that surrounds them.

Today, listening to Ikaika speak to Anne, "gan-ma" as he calls her, touched my heart deeply. And when it was time for Kyle and Ikaika to go pick-up Keoni, Ikaika gave "gan-ma" and me kisses and hugs goodby.

Even as they pulled out in Kyle's SUV, Ikaika was vigorously waving goodbye and I think calling out to me in his little voice.

Imagine how good Kyle's and Ikaika's visit made Anne and me feel. These are some of life's great joys.


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