In this Journal, I will attempt to strip away my protective veneer to view and communicate honestly what the truth is as I perceive it. My intent is to grow, for without an honest evaluation of the truth, how else can one fully absorb life's more difficult lessons and benefit by them. If I do this in secret, then I am still hiding behind a protective veneer, so it is being published online. If you find this Journal, you are welcome to read it and hopefully grow from it as well.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Kyle Is Doing Better and Mother's Day Yesterday

Last night at a Mother's Day celebration hosted by Clayton and Maria at their beautiful home, Kyle and Diane and Keoni attended and Kyle was walking carefully and wearing a soft collar to support his neck.

Kyle looked good, sounded good and as always let his sense of humor speak for him, and at times his humor spoke at my expense. But it felt good to be not only with Kyle, but with Diane and 11 year old Keoni, Clayton and Maria and 7 year old Cameron and 4 year old Carina, as well as with Anne's mother Mary, who is a joy.

Anne was unable to attend because she had gotten sick earlier in the day, a sickness she is battling now as I publish this piece. Anne's brother Ed and his wife Gwen were also scheduled to attend this Mother's Day dinner but they too were sick and had to cancel.

Keoni and I played a card game he excels in, "Uno" and he won, as Cameron and Carina were there to assist us. Afterward, the three kids played beautifully together. Dinner was sirloin steak and a colorful salad Clayton and Maria prepared and it made a big hit. As always, I instead ate vegetarian.

After dinner, Clayton's fresh baked chocolate chip cookies and Mary's dark red strawberries were so popular, they quickly disappeared. And later when Mary began to tire, it was time for this wonderful evening to end.

I took Mary home and then upon returning home to Anne, shared the Mother's Day cards and comments with her, letting her know everyone missed her. Soon after I tucked a sick and exhausted Anne into bed, where she slept soundly.

What a heartwarming feeling it was to have had such a great time with everyone, but also to see Kyle recovering from such a traumatic neck injury. I hope he will take it easy for a few days, by working out of his home rather than in the office and I believe that is what he will do.


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