In this Journal, I will attempt to strip away my protective veneer to view and communicate honestly what the truth is as I perceive it. My intent is to grow, for without an honest evaluation of the truth, how else can one fully absorb life's more difficult lessons and benefit by them. If I do this in secret, then I am still hiding behind a protective veneer, so it is being published online. If you find this Journal, you are welcome to read it and hopefully grow from it as well.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Most Beautiful Orange

This morning as I was greeting people at a busy Palos Verdes intersection, a 50ish black haired, dark eyed, olive skinned Latino man stopped his truck in a lane across the traffic from me.

He stared at me, and then without speaking a word, he reached out the full length of his arm holding in his hand a beautiful orange.

Friday, March 29, 2024

A Dream Like No Other, 3/18/24

Dear Reader,

On 3/18/24 I had a dream like no other I've ever had. It was remarkably vivid, colorful and I was actively involved in using my brain to speak in my limited Spanish. Yanin's Spanish speaking mother had died two years earlier, a woman I had never met, yet as I struggled to follow her instructions, I knew it was her mother rescuing me. Regrettably, I did not writeup my notes until 4:28 am, and did not recall what she rescued me from, but it was something very strong, supernatural.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Hawaii, July 16 - July 22, 2023 -- A Trip Of A Lifetime

Because of the generosity of Kyle and Diane Kazan, Keoni 23, and Ikaika 10, Brody 18, and Gannon 15, and Anne and I spent a marvelous 6 days together at the luxurious Moana Surfrider Hotel in Waikiki.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Today was a very special day! (12/15/23)

It was the day in which we donated a substantial amount of money to uplift lives.

It was the day in which we anonymously shared our good fortune with those in need of a helping hand.

Friday, May 5, 2023

Hernia Surgery, 3/9/23

On Thursday, 3/9 I had hernia surgery that was supposed to be routine. Instead, the anesthesia put my lower organs to sleep and they did not at first awaken. This began an emergency two-day stay at Little Company of Mary, with our son Dr. Clayton very much involved and then a 2nd visit to their emergency room.

Greeting People, An Error In Spanish, 5/5/23

Dear Reader,

This morning while greeting school children and their families, commuters and workers, I struggled with some Spanish, for a Latino man who simply wanted to know my name. I felt terrible, and shared my story with my dear friend Yanin Ontiveros who kindly and humorously shared her similar experiences in English, which made me feel better. Here is what I wrote to her in reply: 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

A Special Gift

While greeting people each school day morning from about 7:35 to 8:35, this morning there was a heartwarming, unusual occurrence.