They directed me in expressing love, and they elevated my level of awareness. I can still see their sparkles of effervescent energy and feel their presence.
Previously I prayed to become a vessel of healing, one in which spiritual beings include me when they heal others in body, many of whom are in desperate need.
Last night, I was told, "All healing is love based." And I realized I could participate in their healing in various ways, with love as my guide.
They also told me, "There are no dead - only people in different states of being."
This is an expression of eternal life, in which our spiritual being never dies.
Based upon the inspiration from last night, from now on, I will sign most of my communication, "With Love To All," followed by my signature, for expressions of love are now paramount in my heart.
And I will welcome life more lovingly, enthusiastically and wisely than ever before.
With Love To All,
Those Angelic Beings were beautifully described by Anne's and my friend Mary Ellen in her AngelScribe, "Protected by Angels." ("Angels of Light and Love dance around your head as sparkles of effervescent energy, encouraging, guiding, teaching and protecting.")
My thoughts as of this date (1-10-24):
I don't know if this journey took 40 minutes, 4 minutes, 4 seconds or 4/10's of a second. It was an overwhelming sense of traveling across the universe with time never entering my consciousness.
We spoke through thoughts, not verbally.
Their appearance as, "sparkles of effervescent energy," would be like seeing numerous sparkling diamonds stunningly aglow on a black velvet backdrop.
My impressions:
Time matters only in this plane of existence. Life beyond here is timeless. And we live endless numbers of lives. Among those lives are beings who join us for more than one, perhaps many lives.
My life is far fuller today, than it was when I made the 9/29/16 journey, for I am learning to have love for everyone, including those who may despise me, for my spiritual growth depends upon it. And I do sign most of my correspondence, "With Love To All."
As for you dear reader, there is nothing special about me. I believe if you open your heart to the angelic beings around you, you too could experience a life that transcends the conventional, and find love, joy and energy beyond your wildest imagination.
With Love To All - Dick
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