In this Journal, I will attempt to strip away my protective veneer to view and communicate honestly what the truth is as I perceive it. My intent is to grow, for without an honest evaluation of the truth, how else can one fully absorb life's more difficult lessons and benefit by them. If I do this in secret, then I am still hiding behind a protective veneer, so it is being published online. If you find this Journal, you are welcome to read it and hopefully grow from it as well.

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Path To Inner-Peace: Learning To Let Go

The path to inner-peace is multi-faceted but a crucial element is one in which we learn to let go of what we do not control.

For example:

We do not control the actions of others.

I've spent much of my life under the illusion I had such control whether as a husband, parent, CEO or in other roles of authority.

But then I received an inspired message that in part said, "self control is the only control that any of us have" and "we do not control others."

Years later I received this message: "Because in truth you are not in control and your hands burn from grasping the reigns of your life so tightly." [Mary Ellen, AngelScribe, a message I received in April, 2006]

I used to worry about the death or injury of those closest to me, financial catastrophe, earthquakes, wars, the destruction of the files containing the writings I've published, the loss of my friend and webmaster and a myriad of other concerns.

It is not that I don't care today, for I do care and where I can help I take action.

But now I realize I have no control over many of these matters and no longer try to control them.

Each is destined to be as it will be and I will adjust to whatever happens. For everything in life is in transition and only in irrationality do we try to contain it.

I am on the path to inner-peace but my journey has much further to go.

One day my current life will end, as current lives are always coming to an end. Some people attain inner-peace, but from my observation, most do not. Those who do, among other lessons, have learned to let go.


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