In this Journal, I will attempt to strip away my protective veneer to view and communicate honestly what the truth is as I perceive it. My intent is to grow, for without an honest evaluation of the truth, how else can one fully absorb life's more difficult lessons and benefit by them. If I do this in secret, then I am still hiding behind a protective veneer, so it is being published online. If you find this Journal, you are welcome to read it and hopefully grow from it as well.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"And You Thought, Who Is That Squirt?"

"And you thought, who is that squirt," Anne said this morning (2/15/16) in referring to the first time I saw her. We were both 18 years old.

Now, 52 years later:

This morning I saw her as she awoke and sat up in bed. Her hair was golden blond, and there was a glow in her blue eyes and in her warm smile.

I said she was the most beautiful I had ever seen her, as I looked at her through loving eyes.

She couldn't believe it at the age of 70, she said. But I reassured her it was true, and compared it to when I first saw her 52 years ago. I was captivated by her then, and captivated by her now.

At 71, I'm thankful to have my wife of over 50 years, and to know in my heart that she is the most beautiful she has ever been.


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