In this Journal, I will attempt to strip away my protective veneer to view and communicate honestly what the truth is as I perceive it. My intent is to grow, for without an honest evaluation of the truth, how else can one fully absorb life's more difficult lessons and benefit by them. If I do this in secret, then I am still hiding behind a protective veneer, so it is being published online. If you find this Journal, you are welcome to read it and hopefully grow from it as well.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Insight from Tony Robbins And Oprah

On a recent Oprah television show (2/19/12), I watched life coach Tony Robbins make a presentation to over 4,000 people at the Los Angeles Convention Center, including Oprah and her senior team, and the following day, he discussed it with Oprah at a Bel Air hotel. Because it contains some valuable insight, I want to capture some key points:

Tony asked us to focus on and prioritize what our top 2 "driving needs" are, presumably to purse them. In parenthesis are my terms for some of his:

1) Love
2) Certainty (Security)
3) Uncertainty - Need for some adventure (Wanderlust)
4) Significance (Sense of Personal Importance)
5) Growth (Become Wiser)
6) Contribution (Making a Difference)

Tony stated, "You can't be fearful and grateful simultaneously. You can't be angry and grateful simultaneously." Oprah added after participating in one of Tony's audience activities where people are knocked off balance and then with an adjustment in thinking and in positioning, are not, "If you learn how to center yourself, no-one can knock you off balance." To me it was really an exercise in self-control.

Tony stated, "Fear is the only thing that stops people in their lives." and "The only way to be fearless is to be dead." He later added, The "power of belief, it can change your biochemistry." In my view, belief for some would include belief in God as well as belief in one's self. Quoting Tony again, "Life is not about getting what you want. Life is about becoming more. What you get is not going to make you happy. Because success without fulfillment is failure. It's not what you get, it's what you become."

Oprah stated, "The real thing people are looking for is MEANING! Most people are not fulfilled - a deep sense of meaning ... " She feels she and Tony's purpose is "lifting peoples' consciousness." She spoke of "reading, journaling and giving" which they both do and both have journaled since they were teenagers. Oprah discussed life as a season and said "nothing is permanent," as seasons are not permanent. Things will get better , things will change. "Winter is a season," and we all have Winters in our lives.

Tony spoke of the difference in a person's life coming when "should" becomes "must." "People use should all the time - I should spend more time with my kids, I should do something at work," etc. "The change comes when you burn the frigging boats to capture the island." Note, this is as Caesar was reputed to have done over two millennium ago when he led the Romans in conquering the British Isles after burning his ships, meaning there could be no retreat. They win and build new ships or they perish. For Tony, you let go of the old ways and move to the new, with no fall back possible.

Oprah, "Spirituality is loving with an open heart."

From February, 2006 in a Monterey, California conference, in 22 minutes, Tony explains why people do what they do and he also touches upon some of the same points he made with Oprah and explains them more fully:

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